Kaitieke, New Zealand and Ola, Idaho, USA

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wild Fires

  Dear New Zealand, Do you ever have Wild Fires or Forest Fires??? They are pretty common down here during the summer time when the grass is dry. Right now there are big fires,and one is not that far from Ola. The smoke is horrible and our school is not allowed to go outside. There are a lot of things that cause fires but the main thing is lightning and fireworks. We have big airplanes that drop slurry on the fires that put the fires out, but they are hard to control. We have a assistant fire department in Ola with big military style trucks, and two little fire trucks. Our family has made a plan of what to do if there is a fire. We would set all the sprinklers and turn on the wheel line. We would let the horses and cows out. 

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