Kaitieke, New Zealand and Ola, Idaho, USA

Sunday, September 24, 2017


This term we have been learning gymnastics.We have also been writing our own gymnastic routines. While we are doing our gymnastics over at the hall, we also work on our routines.We have been working on our tumbling skills, for example, round off, cartwheel or a forward roll, those are some of the skills we have put in our routines.

Last year I worked with a group of other kids learning some gymnastics, so I was pretty keen on learning some gymnastics here at our school.One of my favorite disciplines is the beam, I enjoy sweeping while on the beam. This means your bending your knee and sweeping your foot along the side of the beam.


  • Do you learn gymnastics at your school?
  • Have any of you done gymnastics before?
  • Have any of you used sweeping on the beam?

1 comment:

  1. When there is too much snow outside we do gymnastics for P.E. at school. I did gymnastics once when I was in the second grade. My parents had to take me to Emmett for it. Emmett is a town about 30 minutes away from my house.
