Kaitieke, New Zealand and Ola, Idaho, USA

Sunday, September 24, 2017


This term we have been doing artwork. We did cityscapes. We tried to make it look like we were looking up at the big buildings with a black background for the dark night sky. This is all of the class's art. Do you do art at your school? What art have you done that you could show us? This is Ria's art.


This term we have been learning gymnastics.We have also been writing our own gymnastic routines. While we are doing our gymnastics over at the hall, we also work on our routines.We have been working on our tumbling skills, for example, round off, cartwheel or a forward roll, those are some of the skills we have put in our routines.

Last year I worked with a group of other kids learning some gymnastics, so I was pretty keen on learning some gymnastics here at our school.One of my favorite disciplines is the beam, I enjoy sweeping while on the beam. This means your bending your knee and sweeping your foot along the side of the beam.


  • Do you learn gymnastics at your school?
  • Have any of you done gymnastics before?
  • Have any of you used sweeping on the beam?

Brian's Winter

A few weeks ago we were reading Brian's Winter, and thinking about how he felt and putting our selves in his shoes. This book was about a teenage boy who is thirteen and he is stranded in the Canadian wilderness because he was going to see his father and had to go over in the Bush plane. But the pilot had a heart attack, and Brian didn't know how to fly the plane. So the plane crashed, and Brian only had the survival kit and his hatchet. One morning  he went hunting and caught a moose.

Do you have moose where you are?



This term we have been skiing up Mt Ruapehu. Do you ski at your school? We ski with instructors for the first part of the day and then go with one adult. Do you have instructors if you ski? We all stay as one big group, the number in my group is six. We all can ski up Knoll-ridge and go on the T-bar's. We all ski except Bryce, he snowboards. He only can snowboard in Happy Valley. Have you got some people who snowboard?  We have areas that have names, there are Happy Valley, Rock-garden, Water Fall, Knoll-Ridge and many others.   


This term we had the BNZ bank come to our school. They helped us plant about 230 native trees. We planted them in what we call our wilderness. We call it our wilderness because it used to be blackberry and willow trees. But we changed it to native trees to bring back the native wildlife. Do you have an area that you can plant trees? Do you ever get people to help you plant shrubs?

Cross Country

This term we did cross country at Owhango. Do you do cross country? It's a long distance race against other people. My brother, Kyle, came 2nd. Blake came 3rd. They were both running 1.5 km (0.932057 miles). I ran 2.5 km (1.55343 miles) and came 1st. If you do cross country, how far do you run? Who was the winner? Ria, Blake, Kyle and I made it to the inter-schools cross country which we are running tomorrow. Do you have an inter-schools cross country?


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Questions from Alexis

  Hi, my name is Alexis. I was wondering if any of you live on a farm and what kind of pets do you have? We have dogs,cats,fish,horses,and cows.We also have mountains ,do you have mountains?
We also have rattlesnakes. My family has killed two in the last month. Do you have rattlesnakes or
any kind of snakes? Have you heard of hurricane Harvey and Irma? Harvey has flooded most of
Houston, Texas!